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Mobile Diskothek DJ Dresden

Your wedding - a very special day !

You're planning to get married and looking for the perfect music on your party ? You got it ! Your wedding should be one of the most famous days in your life, that's why I created a page with the most frequently asked questions. When you are interested in a booking or have further questions, please feel free to contact me. I have a lot of experiences in weddings, maybe I can give you some more details for this event, also on topics not related to the music.

You are also a dancing-teacher - can you show us the waltz ? ?

Sure ! Private dancing-lessons are available at our dancing-studio ProDance at Könneritzstr. 25 or also at home. In a smooth atmosphere you will learn to dance on nearly every level. By choosing to take a lesson at home you maybe don't have to look for a babysitter... ? Upon your knowledge and the level you like to achieve, please calculate with about 1-2h for the waltz.
To get further information please contact me.

How long do I have to book in advance ?

This is difficult to say. Sometimes during high-saison I have bookings for more than a year in advance. But: give it try, just ask me for your expected date. In general please calculate with at least 3 months before party should start. Your dj cancelled his job ? Try to contact me, too. Sometimes there is still a date available. Otherwise there's also the possibility to get in contact with another dj-colleague. I own a lot of great contacts. So you can get a personal recommendation, no to book somebody unknown.

You have to see the location in advance ?

No, I nearly know every location in Dresden. If not, there are simple requirements: I just need two chairs, a big table up to 2 meters, and parking-space next to the entry. It is not necessary to provide special power-connection.

I have a special music-request...

Send it to me ;-) We will talk about the music in our personal meet&greet in advance. You can provide me your wishes in general and also ask for special songs in advance. Do I own all of your favourites ? Simply set up a small list and provide that one to me in advance, so I can have a look on it. You can also bring with you some CDs, USB-sticks, hard discs or other players to extend the musical program of the event. In general: don't think about too much about the music - this is my job ;-) There's no party like another one, everyone is unique. I do not setup predefined playlists, I always take care about the crowd and play what they wanna hear :)

What about the sound-system and some light-effects ?

Do not take care about the technical stuff. I will bring the equipment with me based on the amount of your guests. In case there is equipment available in the booked location it is my decision to use it or to bring my own stuff with me.

Are you such a lazy laptop-dj ? What kind of media do you use ?

I'll bring in a lot of cd's and of course: my laptop. I don't use turntables on wedding-parties. It is just more easy for us to handle parts of the events with our laptops. Nobody likes to carry 10 cases and bags or more. For you there is also a big advantage: the choice of the music is also very expanded. In seconds I'm able to find your request, years before therefore I needed minutes ;-) You can be sure your guests won't hear a difference. And you can also be sure that everything is mixed up live. No predefined playlists, no stand-alone music. Everything's individual.

Games on my wedding - how is it working ?

Depends on you... Normally your guests will bring them in as a surprise. They can contact me in case of having questions. You want me to support them with own games ? Just let me know in our individually preliminary talk. Standard games are for free, of course.

What about GEMA-fees ? Do I have to pay them, too ?

Regarding this topic, please click here.

You wan't me to book you directly, why not taking an agency ? They are cheaper... You're a member there ? Can I get you cheaper there ?

Ein heikles Thema. Natürlich bin auch ich Mitglied in einigen DJ-Agenturen, jedoch nehme ich kaum eine der vielen Anfragen an. Warum ? Es gibt 2 Arten von Agenturen: die erstere konzentriert sich sehr auf den Preis und bietet dem Endkunden utopisch niedrige Preise an. Da die Agentur auch noch etwas mitverdienen möchte, lohnt sich die Annahme eines Auftrages für mich in der Regel nicht. Bedenken Sie bitte immer: Qualität hat Ihren Preis. Wer einen DJ für eine Hochzeit für 200 Euro und weniger open end bucht, kann jedoch nur einen Hobby-DJ mit "Billig"-Technik erwarten. Zu Gruppe 2 kommen Agenturen, welche durchschnittliche Endpreise verlangen und somit häufig auch mehr Service bieten. Auch diese Aufträge nehme ich nur seltenst an, da die Provisionen der Agenturen bis hin zu 25% betragen können und sich somit der Abend gegenüber einer regulären Buchung immer noch nicht lohnt. Sie sehen schon: DJ KeckY über eine Agentur zu buchen ist somit sehr schwierig. Da ich nicht hauptberuflich DJ bin, werde ich auch nicht jedes "Billig-Angebot" annehmen, so lange ich hierrauf nicht angewiesen bin - und das ist auch gut so. Sollten Sie mich dennoch für einen unschlagbaren Preis ergattert haben, liegt dies i.d.R. nur daran, dass Sie ein sehr wenig nachgefragtes Datum erwischt haben und ich dazu noch ganz große Lust hatte ;-)
Damit dies jetzt keiner falsch versteht, habe ich HIER ein paar Zeilen zur Preispolitik eines DJ's geschrieben. Spätestens nach dieser Lektüre sollten Sie meine Einstellung nachvollziehen können. Bedenken Sie bitte immer: schlechtes Essen auf einer Veranstaltung ist schnell vergessen, über die Musik spricht man noch Jahre später. Nutzen Sie die Vorteile einer direkten Buchung: ich bin bis zum Veranstaltungstag immer persönlich vorab erreichbar, wir werden uns in einem Vorabgespräch kennenlernen und alles genau besprechen, selbst im Krankheitsfall sorge ich für Ersatz, auf Grund keiner Abgaben an Agenturen ist die Motivation zur Auftragsannahme IMMER größer.

We requested you through an agency and got an offer. Is it cheaper to book you in a direct way ?

Of course. I simply add the agency-fees to my offered total - so you will pay them, not me. Contact me in a direct way will reduce the total of this amount. Booking-agencies don't like that, for sure. This is their business. But maybe my co-contractor can be your wife/husband-to-be... ;-) Just be sure the contact-person isn't the same one who was asking at the agency - therefore we could get trouble.

DJ Dresden

DJ KeckY | Christopher Keck | Traubelstr. 11a | 01109 Dresden | 0177 - 5462334 | booking @
Mobile Diskothek DJ Dresden

DJ Dresden mobile Diskothek für: Hochzeiten, Polterabende, Weihnachtsfeiern, Silvester, Sylvesterparty, Parties, Events, Moderation,
Firmenfeiern, Betriebsfeiern, Fasching Party, Karneval, Veranstaltungen, Geburtstage, Jubiläen, Silberhochzeit, Goldene Hochzeit,
Halloweenpartys, Modenschauen, Promotionen, Kindergeburtstage, Premieren, Sommerfeste, Stadtfeste, Tanzveranstaltungen, Abendgalas
DJ KeckY in Dresden, Radebeul, Freital, Moritzburg, Erfurt, Sachsen, Brandenburg, Thüringen und bundesweit!